Landal GreenParks and Roompot will continue together as Landal By editors on June, 06th, 2024

Roompot acquisition by Landal GreenParks

Roompot and Landal GreenParks will merge into one company: Landal. The acquisition of Roompot holiday parks by Landal GreenParks was announced in 2021 and approved by the regulators in 2023. This creates a strong player in the European market for nature holidays.

Little will change for guests of both parks. Both companies will continue to maintain their unique features as they work together to deliver an enhanced vacation experience. This collaboration allows them to further expand and optimize their services, while maintaining their parks, but a decision still has to be made who will be the mascot of the new Landal.

To make the merger possible, Roompot has sold thirty Dutch holiday parks to the Dormio Group. This agreement was a requirement of the Dutch Consumer and Markets Authority. Together, Roompot and Landal GreenParks want to become the leader in offering nature holidays in Europe.

Background of the takeover

The collaboration between Landal GreenParks and Roompot was already announced in 2021. The process took two years before it could continue in 2023. This happened after approval from regulators such as the European and Dutch competition authorities.

Why this takeover?

Roompot and Landal GreenParks are two of the largest holiday home chains in Europe. By merging, they want to gain a strong market position and offer more options to customers. The companies expect to work more efficiently and save costs.

New Structure

The companies will continue under the brand name Landal. The new head office will be located in Amsterdam. Holidaymakers can expect changes over time, but the aim is to provide a better experience.

Landal GreenParks

Key benefits of the acquisition

The acquisition of Landal GreenParks offers several advantages, including new growth opportunities and a stronger brand. These developments are important for both companies and their customers.

Synergies and growth opportunities

The acquisition allows Roompot and Landal GreenParks to join forces. They can work more efficiently and save costs. This includes joint marketing campaigns and shared infrastructure.

The parks can also offer more variety to their visitors. This allows them to attract a wider audience. Furthermore, more resources are available for investments in new facilities and upgrades. This ensures that the quality of the parks increases.

They can also respond more quickly to market changes. The combined expertise allows them to better respond to the needs of holidaymakers. This makes them more flexible and competitive on the market.

Strengthening the brand

The acquisition helps strengthen the Landal brand. By keeping the name "Landal", the name remains recognizable for existing customers. This helps maintain customer loyalty.

Roompot can also benefit from Landal's well-known name and reputation. This can attract new target groups. A more modern image can be created by merging both brands. This creates a fresh and attractive image.

It is also easier to streamline marketing and branding. More impact can be made with one strong brand. This way they can communicate more effectively with their target group. All this makes the combination of both brands stronger and more influential.

Stakeholder responses

The acquisition of Landal GreenParks has generated various reactions from the parties involved. Customers, employees and management all have their own views on this change.

Customer comments

Many customers are positive about the merger between Roompot and Landal GreenParks. They hope for improved services and new holiday parks. Some customers have expressed concerns about possible price increases, but the companies have said there will be no major changes for guests.

Customers appreciate the recognizability and quality of both brands. They expect a better holiday experience through the combined resources and knowledge. The loyalty of loyal visitors remains high, especially because the well-known holiday destinations are retained.

Positive points:
  • Improved services
  • New holiday parks
  • Preservation of well-known destinations

Employees' position

Employees of Roompot and Landal GreenParks are mixed about the takeover. Some are excited about the new possibilities and collaboration, while others are concerned about their jobs and working conditions, especially the people based in a large Roompot office in Goes. For them the distance between Zeeland and Amsterdam is considerable.

Promises have been made to maintain employment and improve working conditions. Informal conversations and surveys show that many hope for more international opportunities and better career prospects.

Key points:
  • Enthusiasm about new possibilities
  • Concerns about company reorganization
  • Expectations of improved employment conditions

Vision of the management

The management of Roompot and Landal GreenParks sees the merger as a strategic step to become stronger in the European market. The new organization must become more efficient and customer-oriented. They emphasize the importance of one clear identity and brand strategy.

According to the management, the strengths of both companies are the basis for future growth. A central head office in Amsterdam should promote cooperation between the teams and better realize strategic goals.

Future plans and expectations

Roompot and Landal GreenParks holiday parks have big plans for the future. After the merger, they want to focus on further international expansion. Work is underway on a new international headquarters in Amsterdam. This headquarters will act as the central point for all operations and strategies.

The takeover also offers new opportunities for innovations within the holiday parks. For example, using sustainable energy sources and new technologies to improve the guest experience. Guests will benefit from better facilities and advanced services.

The parks will retain their own unique characteristics, but at the same time will benefit from the combined forces. Creating a recognizable brand identity is an important goal. This ensures a consistent and quality experience for all guests.